My pedophile daddy died today....Pardon me if I am not in the mood to celebrate his life. He did not leave many memories in the celabratory dept. He did however, leave scars and trails of broken relationships between everybody from husbands to children.
Fathers be careful how you affirm your will last a lifetime and make it nearly impossible for a loving Father God to break thru that stone, called their heart.
He broke through and the first thing he said...was walk in forgiveness...I need you to, or I can't forgive you. least the eyes of God, was just as bad as my Father's worse. Sin is sin...and without the Blood of Jesus to cover sin...The Father God, simply cannot look upon us.
I believe with all of my heart that those 90 years of mercy, and suffering and physical blindness, tubular feeding etc...was just enough time for him to prepare to meet his maker...Confess...and receive the Blood covering of Our Savior, Jesus Christ.
Young people experiencing incest...You are no longer bound by a society who frowned upon whistleblowers. That was the case in my day....Take one for the team...don't go public...besides, nobody would ever believe what if you are are obviously fast in da ass..and a troublemaker....worked for much so..that I over time, believed it...I am a fast ass and a troulbe maker. Sounds familar victims? have many ears who will believe you...Rat them out....Its not worth being a hero...I am 62 and for the first time in my life...I am free...I'd placed myself in a self opposed prison...and when he left...I was free...Don't ask me to explain...I can't...
So why share...I share for the give them courage...I could not before...Its a sign of courage and strength from the backlash to come..don't bother...I will unfriend you...You never liked me skin off my back....
Back to you Daddies....You had better damn well beware of the awesome responsibility you have to make your dd feel special...Your image of them...Is their image of themselves...You will give an account if you are not loving them...and of course your sons...(who are sometimes victims themselves)...They will look for you...whether you are a prince or the eyes of a man....
Blessings...Pray that my daddy confessed...I so look forward to a second chance...God wipes all slates clean...The God of second...third...etc...chances